Chipped Tooth

Chipped Tooth

Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth can cause immense pain, and sensitivity, and even lead to further complications if left untreated. Whether it’s a fall, a sports injury, or even biting down on something hard, a chipped tooth can occur at any time, anywhere. That's why it's important to know that our emergency dental care services are available round-the-clock.

Chipped teeth can range from a minor chip or crack to a more significant break or fracture that can expose the pulp or nerve of the tooth. Common causes of chipped teeth include accidents, sports injuries, and eating hard or crunchy foods. What should you do if you chip a tooth? First, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the affected area to reduce any swelling. If you’re experiencing any pain, over-the-counter painkillers can help ease the discomfort. Next, contact our emergency dental care provider immediately to schedule an appointment.

With 24-hour emergency dental care, you can get the help you need quickly. Remember to call our dentist immediately and follow the steps outlined by them to minimize any discomfort and prevent further complications. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to chipped teeth, so take care of your oral hygiene and be mindful of your dental health. But if a dental emergency does happen, we’re here to help!

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays : 24 x 7

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FAQ for Chipped Tooth Emergency Dentistry Sydney

What is a chipped tooth?

A chipped tooth is a tooth that has a small piece of enamel broken off, exposing the dentin layer beneath.

What are the symptoms of a chipped tooth?

The symptoms of a chipped tooth may include sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, pain when biting down, and a rough edge on the tooth.

How is a chipped tooth diagnosed?

An emergency dentist in Sydney can diagnose a chipped tooth through a physical examination and X-rays.

How is a chipped tooth treated?

The treatment for a chipped tooth depends on the extent of the damage. An emergency dentist in Sydney may recommend a dental bonding, veneer, crown, or other restorative treatment.

Can a chipped tooth be fixed on the same day?

Yes, an emergency dentist in Sydney can often fix a chipped tooth on the same day, depending on the extent of the damage and the type of treatment required.

Is treatment for a chipped tooth painful?

The treatment for a chipped tooth may cause some discomfort, but emergency dentists use local anesthesia to minimize pain during procedures.

How long does it take to treat a chipped tooth?

The duration of treatment for a chipped tooth depends on the extent of the damage and the type of treatment required. Simple procedures like dental bonding may take 30-60 minutes, while more complex procedures like crowns may take up to 90 minutes or more.

Can a chipped tooth cause further complications?

Yes, a chipped tooth can cause further complications if left untreated, including decay and infection.

Can a chipped tooth be prevented?

You can prevent a chipped tooth by avoiding hard and sticky foods, wearing a mouthguard during sports activities, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

How much does emergency dental care for a chipped tooth cost in Sydney?

The cost of emergency dental care for a chipped tooth in Sydney depends on the extent of the damage and the type of treatment required. However, most emergency dental clinics in Sydney accept insurance and offer payment plans to make the cost of treatment more manageable.